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Mill Creek Men's Golf Association

We offer a variety of tournament formats and engaging social events, fostering camaraderie among members and their significant others.

Welcome to Mill Creek Golf

Join our men's golf association for exciting monthly tournaments and social events that include your spouses or significant others.

MGA Officers

  • President - Jim West

  • Vice President - Ted Roberson

  • Treasurer - Rick Ashby

  • Secretary - Tom Catlin

MGA News

March 20th Tournament - This will be 4-Man Teams (Blind Draw) using Stableford point scoring.

  • SIGN-UPYou can do this on the website on the Tournaments Tab, there is a RED button. Click this and it will open a Google Sheet to enter your name. Fill this in and close and it will automatically update. You can also leave a message at the MC pro-shop. Sign-up ends March 17th.

  • All play will be governed by USGA rules. Putt out, no gimmies. The ball can ONLY be moved in the fairway (one club length).

  • Each MGA member will receive (2) free drink tickets good for two beer/wine or one mixed drink.

The MGA has reserved the Bright Penny Beer Garden function area for the evening of Thursday March 20th from 6:00PM to 9:00PM. This is the evening after our first tournament. ALL MGA members and significant others are invited, plus the MC LGA. Bright Penny is in Downtown Mebane. Cash food and bar, the MGA is paying for the venue. We need you to attend and help kick off the start of the golf season

The next MGA Meeting is April 3rd starting at 5:30PM at MC

Questions to the MGA Members

  1. Do you want to have a monthly weekday 9-hole tournament at 5:00PM? Votes For: 50% of responses

  2. Do you want to have an MGA members Match Play tournament this summer? Votes For: Unanimous in all responses


Capture the excitement of our tournaments and social events.